Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A mobile Christmas

Hope all have had a relaxing holiday. We celebrate the second day of Christmas here in Latvia. In Britain and Canada, it is called Boxing Day. I think that has to do with the day for getting rid of Christmas packaging, not the sport of boxing.
Anyway, according to news reports, the most desired Christmas present this year in Latvia was a mobile phone. It will probably be several weeks before any statistics show up to indicate how many phones were sold before Christmas, but there is generally a surge and the operators almost all have subsidized phone campaigns ahead of the holiday. Also, the present-giving season is longer here. Many people still celebrate New Year's as a kind of second Christmas (the only holiday recognized under the Soviets) and part of the Russian population (those who are Orthodox) also celebrate Russian Orthodox Christmas. All in all, not a bad arrangement for the sellers of gifts, trinkets and holiday trees (in most Western European countries, if you had a stock of Christmas trees by, say, 8 pm Christmas Eve, you were in the firewood business. Here, trees can sell into January, and presumably, so too, any mobile phone deals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i was buying a mobile in one of those city shopping centers just before Christmas and with my purchase that shop reached the sales target of December and it was 18 000 Ls. it wasn't in Riga and there are two more mobile phone shops in the same shopping center - however, I am also looking forward for some statistics of mobile sales